Knowing someone who bakes is a beautiful thing. They make delicious things that you get to eat and then marvel at how it makes every fiber of your being sing. Knowing a food blogger is even better: you get the recipe, so you can recreate the magic over and over again.
Well, as you know, we live to serve. We asked our food blogging besties to kick us their favorite sweet treat recipes for our new PicMonkey Holiday eCookbook. It’s here! And it’s free! Download the PDF file below and you’ll be baking your holiday heart out faster than you can say “How do I get these foodstuffs into my stomachial regions?”

PicMonkey Holiday eCookbook
All the recipes in the cookbook were made with PicMonkey. Create your own with our nifty tutorial.
Heaps of thanks to our contributors, the chefs behind these great blogs:
Baking, Butter, & Happiness
Pink Martinis and Pearls
Call Her Happy