Spanish speakers rejoice! The PicMonkey mobile app is now available in Spanish. Whether you’re a native speaker or you simply prefer to perform your photo editing magic in Spanish, this is amazing news.
PicMonkey’s online and mobile tools are used by millions of people around the world, and many of them are in Spanish-speaking countries or have set Spanish as their default language. Because one of our top priorities is to spread PicMonkey bliss to as many people in as many languages as possible, we want to offer our products in more languages in the coming months. So stay tuned!

Top 5 reasons to be totally psyched about the new Spanish version of the mobile app
If English isn’t your native tongue, you don’t have to worry about accidentally hitting the “Delete all of my photos” button. (Just kidding. There’s no button like that in the PicMonkey app, silly goose.)
PicMonkeyers who are working on their Spanish can learn it while editing their photos.
Some words just sound better in Spanish.
No more having to guess what the little ghost icon stands for—stickers or a new and improved version of Pac-Man.
You’ve always wanted to know how to translate PicMonkey into Spanish. (Spoiler alert, we decided against trying to translate our trademark—FotoMico sounds good, but we’re going to stick with PicMonkey.)
To access PicMonkey’s mobile version in Spanish, just be sure to set your language preference on your phone or iPad to Spanish.