The original photo (left) and the color changed photo (right)
Color changer is a new tool that allows users to independently modify Hue, Saturation, and Luminance in each of 8 hue regions in an image. It is available to all subscription levels.
To use the Color Changer tool, access it either under Edits > Advanced Edits or from the Effects tab (it lives in both places). Each of the color "dots" in editing panel represent a hue in the image that you can change. Select the green color dot and use the Hue slider to change anything green in the photo. Select the orange dot and use the Hue slider to change anything orange in your image. You get the idea!
Use the Saturation and Luminance sliders to adjust your color change.
Sliding Saturation towards 100% intensifies the color, while sliding the opposite way removes color.
Sliding Luminance towards 100% brightens and lightens the color, while sliding the opposite direction will dull the color.
Once you've changed the colors you want to change, click Apply.