As of January 2021, all subscriber levels now have the ability to create folders with subfolders in the private "Your Hub Folders" section of Hub for better organization of your files. Before this change, creating nested folders was only possible in the “Shared Hub Folders” section of Hub.
IMPORTANT: If you created subfolders in the shared folders section, but did not share them with anyone else, those folders will now appear up above in the private section. However, if you created shared folders and then shared them with others, they will remain in place. Shared team folders are a feature of the PicMonkey Business subscription.
Why the change?
We noticed that many Hub users were creating subfolders in the shared folders section for better organization of their private files, but not actually sharing the contents with anyone else. We enabled the addition of subfolders in the private folder section because it was a feature we saw that was needed, and one that many people asked for.
How do I use it?
From the homepage of PicMonkey which is also your Hub:
New folder: Click the + sign next to New Folder underneath the Your Hub Folders section to create a new folder (e.g. “Client Files” in this example)
<your name>’s subfolders: This folder will always be present. Hover on the folder title and click the 3 dots to add subfolders.
Unsorted: This folder is permanent and where you will find every file you’ve created in PicMonkey. Move files from here into named folders and subfolders, or delete files.
New subfolders: hover over the title of a folder and click the 3 dots to create new subfolders or rename the folder.
Additional helpful things to note:
A top-level folder cannot be deleted until all subfolders are deleted first. A subfolder cannot be deleted until all its contents are first deleted.
Click the folder title to expand or contract the subfolder list below.