Guide to Switching from Old to New PicMonkey

As of January 6, 2021, Old PicMonkey will no longer be available due to Adobe Flash sunsetting. All Old PicMonkey users still have valid subscriptions in New PicMonkey. This page was created to help you learn the features of New PicMonkey. If you need additional help, please contact support.

Meet the amazing Draw Tool
Try the flexible, fun Draw Tool to doodle or sketch on your images! Use Pencil, Paint, or Spray Paint to add details big or small to your designs, watermark your work, or hand-draw your own own logos or graphics.
Collage is now in New PicMonkey!
You asked, we built it—the collage you know and love is now in New PicMonkey! Choose from dozens of layouts, all with mega-flexible cells. Mix up your collage design with your pics, stock photos, videos, and colors—the creative possibilities are endless!
Compare Old vs. New
A side-by-side walkthrough of the changes and improvements that you'll find in New PicMonkey. See what's different, and see what's still the same (but better!).
“I just want to say thank you for your incredible product.”
I've been on a steep digital learning curve and PicMonkey tutorials have been excellent … Your product is helping me with my online business, and providing inspiration and fun along the way.
- Cindy B., PicMonkey user since 2018
“The new improvements are amazing! I couldn’t be happier.”
“I can’t stand using Canva but have been splitting my editing and photo creation between PicMonkey and Canva … but now I can create everything in PicMonkey. I’ve been with you all for years and, as my business has grown, I’ve converted several of my virtual employees over to PicMonkey. Thank you for continuing to improve!” – Morgan M., PicMonkey user since 2015
Help, Support & FAQs
Visit the New PicMonkey Help & Support section for FAQs, technical requirements, questions about your account, or detailed explanations of functions and features. Contact help directly from this section.
“Great Scott! This is incredible! I am a huge fan of the redesign.”
A lot of the features were kept in the same order and load faster upon scrolling down/up. It's a far more streamlined website that's easier on the eyes. - Brandon G., PicMonkey user since 2012