If there’s anything more adorable than a little bitty kid costume, humanity has yet to find it. Seriously, look at that! How is that legal? Tragically, there’s one group that remains generally opposed to small children in costume, and that group is: small children.
But rejoice, connoisseurs of cuteness! Your toddler may not wanna hold still for a precious photo shoot, but that’s where the PicMonkey mobile app comes in. With our Draw tool, if you can imagine it, you can create it—making the costume options effectively endless, totally itch-free, and way less stressful for everyone involved.
To get you started, we’ve come up with a bevy of Draw designs you can use in your next mobile masterpiece.
(Surgeon General’s Warning: the following article may contain more than your daily recommended allotment of puns. Please exercise caution if your doctor has warned you to avoid homophones or you have recently used the phrase “the lowest form of humor.”)
1. Angel

Whether you call them “your little angel” sincerely or with a heavy dose of irony, try doodling some angel wings and a halo to make it official.
Pro tip: Draw’s lines are always a consistent weight. However, you can make those lines look finer by zooming in and drawing on the zoomed-in area of your photo. Then zoom out and voila! Tiny linesters. iPad people: don’t forget that you can also use your Apple Pencil while drawing in the PicMonkey mobile app!
2. Top hat and monocle

Don’t stop at a mustache sticker! Put some Ritz on your pics by drawing on a monocle and top hat, too. This simple illustration can be accomplished with just three colors—one for the hat and monocle, another for the monocle’s schmancy chain, and a third to add a ribbon to the hat for some extra definition.
3. Mermaid (or Merlad)

So here’s our PicMonkey promise: little ones may not want to wear a crocheted mermaid tail and seashell crop top, but they’ll definitely love seeing themselves turned into fantastic fishpeople with help from Draw. Add a seashell or starfish hairpiece to accessorize swimmingly.
Pro tip: Most of the colors in our mobile palette come in pairs (such as our light green, Katydid, and darker green, Oscar). Get eye-pleasing color combos by using paired shades on the same image.
4. Alien

It seems like people are always judging parents. Don’t let your kid eat junk food. Don’t make your kid the weirdo whose lunch box always includes quinoa. Don’t paint your baby green to make them look like a Martian … judge, judge, judge.
Well, we’re happy to report that this is a judgement-free zone. And also that the truth is out there: adding alien antennae with Draw takes like, two seconds, with results that are outta-this-world adorable.
Pro tip: Change hair color and skin tone with the mobile app’s Tint effect, or by picking any color in Draw and tamping down the opacity.
5. Pirate

Avast! As long as anything goes, why not draw a fearsome(ly lovable) pirate outfit? Timbers will shiver and hearts will melt.
This look is all in the accessories: eyepatch, hoop earring, pirate bandana, and, of course, a parrot companion. If you’re not sure what to add to your kiddo’s image to make it really say “best pirate you’ve ever heard of,” consider red-and-white or red-and-black stripes, a three-cornered hat, or the good old Jolly Roger.
6. Hipster

If you’ve been taking pictures of your kids since before it was cool, this is the look for you. We’ll admit we’re not sure how to draw a band nobody’s heard of, but we’ve got the glasses and hipster flannel down pat. (Beehive beard optional. But do you really want to live in a world without gratuitous beehive beards?)
Pro tip: To get a plaid look on your hipster image, first draw a red shirt with black outlines and save to your Camera Roll or Photos. Then, reopen Draw to add windowpane black lines at a 50% opacity.
Pro-er tip: If you have an older child, and they really are into flannel and bands you’ve never heard of (or maybe they just roll their eyes at you a lot and make you feel ancient), consider doodling this outfit onto them and texting them the results.
7. Princess

Depending on your level of confidence and ambition (or your mini monarch’s impatience to see the end result of their portraiture), there are two royal routes to take here. The first is to draw a crown on your princess and call it a day. Regal! Respectable.
If you’re looking to get fancier, go all-out and draw a cupcake dress on top. Think frills, ruffles, and maybe a rosette.
Still looking for inspiration? Take a gander at these ideas:
Kitty ears. ‘Nuff said.
Fairy. Doodle on a flower crown and some dainty wings, and you’re good to go. All you need is a fairy nickname, like “Tatiana of the Summer Puddles” or “Prince Sparkleberry.”
Superhero. If your little one daydreams of fighting crime as Iron Man, Falcon, or Wonder Woman, make it happen in Draw. Or come up with their very own superhero look.
Harry Potter. All you need is a striped scarf, lightning scar, and glasses.