Hub is a pretty magical place; all your pics and projects are hanging out in there right now sipping strawberry lemonade and lounging on the backs of unicorns while wood nymphs play the harp. But did you know that Hub’s most magical feature of all is that you can keep editing your pics after they’ve been saved in Hub? Seriously.
Here’s how to edit after saving:
As you work in the PicMonkey editor, your image is automatically and continuously saved in Hub. If you need to move it or duplicate it to place in another folder (say, a Shared Space folder to give another person direct access), you can do that from the main Hub page by clicking the three dots when you hover over the image. When you’re ready to resume your editing, just open Hub from the top navigation bar, find your pic, then choose Edit image or Edit a copy.
Ta-da! You’ll be able to continue editing your graphics and text elements.
Likely re-editing scenarios
If you’re curious how this feat of prestidigitation will help your life, here are some ways that folks like you have used Hub to edit after saving:
To fix a previously unnoticed typo without having to restart the design from scratch.
To rethink your creative choices, because on second thought, that graphic would look better if it was red.
To pause what you’re doing without worrying about losing your work.
To store templates and business assets and reuse them forever. (Psst! When you add the same project to Hub a second time, you can click Make a copy if you wanna save your original. Template City, here you come!)
To continue working on a project that a teammate started. In Shared Spaces, you can collaborate on designs with others, picking up where they left off, of even working together in real-time collaboration.
Keep in mind that any effects and textures that you might have applied to the background of your photo will be flattened and you won’t be able to edit them even after you’ve opened them from Hub.