Contrary to what certain frogs might have told you, it really is easy being green. Get a great color-washed look with one of your old friends, Ombre, Tint or Warhol. These color-changing effects are grouped together in the Paintbox group under Effects. Spring into the Editor and play along at home for Saint Paddy’s Day perfection.

Warhol is great for a deep green look and the ability to choose just the greens you want. When you first open the effect, you’ll see color pickers that let you select the two colors your photo will end up displaying. The First color maps to the dark values in your photo, so choose a darker green. For the Second color, choose a mid to light green. If you know a hex number for a perfect green you like, just click in the color box and you’ll see a place to type it above the color grid that appears.
Tint gives you a quick way to add a light wash of green over your image. Just choose a green from the color palette, adjust the fade, and you’re set.
This fun effect lets you create a gradient of green. Try a gradient of white to green or light green to dark green. Be sure to play with the Direction slider to change which way the gradient goes.
Warhol, Tint, and Ombre allow you to paint on or erase off the effect in specific areas of your photo with the Paint tool tool. Click the paintbrush icon to open the Paint palette. To paint a spot of green, check the Reverse effect checkbox and brush on green where you want it.

You can’t celebrate St Paddy’s Day without shamrocks, right? Find them in the Graphics tab under the Symbols set in the General group.

And don’t forget to check out the great Spring Bling swatches we’ve got for you in Collage. Use them as festive backgrounds in your cells, then click Edit in the top toolbar to add graphics and text for simple St. Patrick’s day designs.